
April 28, 2013

Welsh Rarebit

Welsh Rarebit


4 slices home-style white bread, trimmed of crusts and toasted
2 cups freshly-grated, sharp cheddar cheese combined with 1 Tbsp flour
1/4 cup micro-brewed beer (dark or pale ale, whichever is preferred)
1 Tbsp freshly-churned butter
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1/4 tsp English mustard, dry
Smidgeon of cayenne pepper

Combine in a sturdy 2- to 3-quart saucepan the cheese and flour mixture; the beer, butter, Worcestershire sauce, mustard and cayenne pepper. Cook over moderate heat setting, stirring constantly (but DO NOT allow mixture to boil), until a smooth texture is attained.

Place the slices of toast in a shallow, ovenproof dish just large enough to hold them and pour the rarebit evenly over them. Place the dish under the broiler for one or two minutes to brown the cheese lightly.  Serve immediately.

Serves up 2 to 4.




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