
August 14, 2011

Boston Ward 8

Boston Ward 8

To make 1 cocktail

1 ounce fresh lemon juice
3 ounces bourbon
½ ounce grenadine
3 to 4 ice cubes
1 slice orange
A dash of cold club soda

An 8-ounce wine glass, chilled

Combine the lemon juice, bourbon, grenadine and ice cubes in a mixing glass.  Place a shaker on top of the mixing glass and, grasping them firmly together, shake vigorously.  Remove the shaker, place a strainer on top of the mixing glass, and pour into the chilled glass.
Garnish with a slice of orange.   Rinse the shaker with the dash of club soda and pour into the glass.

Create an alternate using any whiskey flavor you favor.




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