
March 3, 2013


Tabbouleh (Arabic)


1/2 cup fine wheat bulgur
1 cup finely-chopped tomatoes
1 cup finely-chopped flat leaf parsley
1 cup finely-chopped scallion, white and green parts
1/2 cup fresh-squeezed lemon juice
Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
1/3 cup extremely virgin olive oil
1/4 cup dried apricots, chopped
1/4 cup raisins
1/4 cup dates, chopped
1/4 cup almonds, cut into slivers (or just buy “slivered” almonds)
3 Tbsp fresh mint leaves, finely chopped

Soak the wheat bulgur in cold water for 15 minutes. Drain and wrap in cheesecloth; squeeze to remove as much water as possible.

Combine with the remaining ingredients in a mixing bowl and toss with a fork or your fingers to combine.

Refrigerate until ready to consume. Serve chilled or at room temperature.

Serves up 8 to 12.




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