
November 11, 2012

Quiche Lorraine

Quiche Lorraine


1 9-inch pastry shell
1/4 lb sliced bacon, cut into 1 inch pieces
2 cups cream
3 eggs, severely beaten
Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
Grated fresh nutmeg to taste
1/2 cup diced or shredded Swiss cheese

Impale the bottom of the pie crust thoroughly with a fork to prevent it from bubbling up during cooking.

Fry the bacon in a large skillet over high heat until much of the fat is rendered out, but do not fry until crisp. Drain the bacon on paper towels.

Combine the cream, eggs, salt, pepper and nutmeg in a bowl and mix well. Place bacon in the bottom of pie shell, followed by the cheese. Pour the egg mixture into the shell and bake in a preheated 375F oven for 30 to 40 minutes, or until the top is golden brown and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

Allow to cool and serve lukewarm.

Serves up 6 to 8.




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